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Barth Fredrik. (1965). Political leadership among Swat Pathans. Londres: Athlone Press

Political leadership among Swat Pathans
Fernea Elizabeth Warnock. (1965). Guests of the Sheik. New York: Doubleday

Guests of the Sheik
Ortega y Gasset José. (1965). Meditación de la técnica. Madrid: Editorial Espasa Calpe

Palabras clave: Geografía, Grecia,

Meditación de la técnica
Evans-Pritchard E. E.. (1965). The Position of Women in Primitive Societies. Reino Unido: The Free Press

Palabras clave: Mujeres, Sociedades primitivas,

The Position of Women in Primitive Societies
McLuhan Marshall. (1964). Understanding media : the extensions of man. New York: Signet

Understanding media : the extensions of man
Lévi-Strauss Claude. (1964). Il pensiero selvaggio. Milano: Il Saggiatore

Il pensiero selvaggio
Durkheim Émile. (1964). The Division of Labour in Society. Londres: The Free Press of Glencoe; Collier-Macmillan Limited

Palabras clave: División del trabajo,

The Division of Labour in Society
Boas Franz. (1964). Cuestiones fundamentales de Antropología Cultural. Buenos Aires: Solar/Hachette

Palabras clave: Antropología cultural,

Cuestiones fundamentales de Antropología Cultural
Bennett Wendell Clark. (1964). Andean culture history. New York: American Museum of Natural History

Palabras clave: Incas, Indígenas, Sudamérica,

Andean culture history
  • Ford Clelland. (1964). Field guide to the study of human reproduction [vol. 2]. New Haven, EUA: Human Relations Area Files Press

    Palabras clave: Antropología sexual,