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Peristiany John G.. (1965). Honour and Shame : The Values of Mediterranean Society. Londres: Weidenfeld and Nicolson

Honour and Shame : The Values of Mediterranean Society
Malinowski Bronislaw. (1965). Coral gardens and their magic [Vol. I] : Soil-tilling and Agricultural rites in the Trobriand Islands. Indiana: Indiana University Press

Coral gardens and their magic [Vol. I] : Soil-tilling and Agricultural rites in the Trobriand Islands
Gerth Hans. (1965). From Max Weber : Essays in Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press

Palabras clave: Max Weber, Sociología,

From Max Weber : Essays in Sociology
Geertz Clifford. (1965). The social history of an Indonesian town. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press

The social history of an Indonesian town
Foucault Michel. (1965). Madness and Civilization : A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. New York: Vintage Books

Madness and Civilization : A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason
Evans-Pritchard Edward E.. (1965). Theories of Primitive Religion. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Palabras clave: Etnología, Religión primitiva,

Theories of Primitive Religion
Barth Fredrik. (1965). Political leadership among Swat Pathans. Londres: Athlone Press

Political leadership among Swat Pathans
Fernea Elizabeth Warnock. (1965). Guests of the Sheik. New York: Doubleday

Guests of the Sheik
Ortega y Gasset José. (1965). Meditación de la técnica. Madrid: Editorial Espasa Calpe

Palabras clave: Geografía, Grecia,

Meditación de la técnica
Evans-Pritchard E. E.. (1965). The Position of Women in Primitive Societies. Reino Unido: The Free Press

Palabras clave: Mujeres, Sociedades primitivas,

The Position of Women in Primitive Societies