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Resultados de la búsqueda: 1095

Human Relations Area Files inc.. (1956). Guide to the use of the Files. New Haven, Connecticut: Human Relations Area Files, Yale University

Palabras clave: Archivos, Guía,

Guide to the use of the Files
Richards Audrey I.. (1956). Chisungu – A girls’ initiation ceremony among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia. Londres: Faber and Faber Limited

Palabras clave: Bemba, Mujeres, Ritos y ceremonias,

Chisungu – A girls’ initiation ceremony among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia
Harris Marvin. (1956). Town and Country in Brazil. New York: Columbia University Press

Palabras clave: Brasil, Ciudades y pueblos,

Town and Country in Brazil
Evans-Pritchard Edward E.. (1956). Nuer religion. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Palabras clave: África, Nuer, Religión,

Nuer religion
Childe Vere Gordon. (1956). Man Makes Himself. Londres: Watts & Co.

Man Makes Himself
Bateson Gregory. (1956). Naven. California, EUA: Stanford University Press

Palabras clave: Oceanía, Papúa y Nueva Guinea,

Hertzerg Hans. (1956). Anthropometry in flying personnel. EUA: Air Research and Development Command, U.S. Air Force

Palabras clave: Antropología Física,

Anthropometry in flying personnel
Cobo Bernabé. (1956). Historia del Nuevo mundo [vol. 2]. Madrid, España: Sevilla, Imprenta de E. Rasco

Palabras clave: Perú, Quechuas,

Historia del Nuevo mundo [vol. 2]
Steward Julian Haynes. (1956). The people of Puerto Rico. USA, Ilinois: University of Illinois Press

Palabras clave: Parentesco, Puerto Rico,

The people of Puerto Rico
Steward Julian H.. (1956). The People of Puerto Rico. Estados unidos: University of Illinois Press

Palabras clave: Puerto Rico,

The People of Puerto Rico