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Benedict Ruth. (1947). El crisantemo y la rosa. Patrones culturales. London, UK: Routledge Amp Kengan Paul Ltd.

Palabras clave: Antropología cultural, Japón,

El crisantemo y la rosa. Patrones culturales
Gardner Burleigh. (1947). Human Relations in Industry. Chicago, EUA: Richard D. Irwin, Inc

Palabras clave: Industria, Sociología,

Human Relations in Industry
Pearl S. Buck. (1947). Pavilion Of English. London: Methun And Co. Ltd. London

Pavilion Of English
Harry Tschopik Jr.. (1947). Highland Communities of central Peru. Washington: Smithsonian Institution / Institute of Social Anthropology

Highland Communities of central Peru
André Gide. (1947). Travels in the Congo. New York: Mordern Age Books

Travels in the Congo
André Gide. (1947). Los monederos falsos. :

Los monederos falsos
Albert Camus. (1947). La peste. París: Gallimard

La peste
Hamilton Earl J.. (1947). War and prices in spain (1651-1800). London: Oxford University Press

War and prices in spain (1651-1800)
Nimuendajú Curt. (1946). The Eastern Timbira. Berkeley: University of California Press

Palabras clave: Brasil, Timbira,

The Eastern Timbira
Kluckhohn Clyde. (1946). The Navaho. Cambridge: Harvard University Press

Palabras clave: Indígenas, Navajos,

The Navaho