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Resultados de la búsqueda: 1095

Morgan Lewis Henry. (1901). League of the Ho-De'-No-Sau-Nee or Iroquois [Vol. 1]. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.

Palabras clave: Iroqués, Norteamérica,

League of the Ho-De'-No-Sau-Nee or Iroquois [Vol. 1]
Lang Andrew. (1901). Magic and religion. New York: Longmans

Palabras clave: Mitología, Religión,

Magic and religion
Sergi Giuseppe. (1901). The Mediterranean Race A Study Of The Origin Of The European Peoples. Londres: Walter Scott

Palabras clave: Demografía, Europa, Razas,

The Mediterranean Race A Study Of The Origin Of The European Peoples
Henri Bergson. (1900). Le rire. París: Felix Alcan Editor

Le rire
Luigi Pirandello. (1900). Seis personajes en busca de autor. Valencia: Sempere

Seis personajes en busca de autor
Spencer Baldwin. (1899). The native tribes of central Australia. Londres: Macmillan & Co.

Palabras clave: Australia, Etnología,

The native tribes of central Australia
Baden-Powell Baden Henry. (1899). The origin and growth of village communities in India. Londres: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

Palabras clave: India, Propiedad de la tierra,

The origin and growth of village communities in India
Sergi Giusseppe. (1899). The primitive inhabitants of Europe. Oxford, Uk: Oxford University Press

Palabras clave: Europa, Sociedades primitivas,

The primitive inhabitants of Europe
Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. (1899). The philosophy of history. New York: The philosophy of history

Palabras clave: Filosofía de la historia,

The philosophy of history
Kovalevsky Maksim Maksimovich. (1898). Le régime économique de la Russie. Paris: Giard & Brière

Le régime économique de la Russie